The most popular nice recipe in Sandakan, Sabah is the Nasi Kuning, oryellow rice. It is a version of the Nasi Lemak, but with additionaltumeric to make it look yellow and without the Ikan Bilis(tiny driedfish).
It tastes better than standard Nasi Lemak and costs just as much,RM1.50 in Sandakan and much more nourishing because of the largeramount of fish in the form of portions of larger fishes.
Nowadays the fishes tend to be Tuna(Ikan Kayu) especially popularamong Filipino recent migrants. Locals tend to prefer IkanPutih(Travely) and Ikan Merah varieties. Garoupas are not usuallypreferred because it is expensive and not as tasty in the recipe usedto accompany this Nasi Kuning, stir fried Fish Sambal.
It tastes better than standard Nasi Lemak and costs just as much,RM1.50 in Sandakan and much more nourishing because of the largeramount of fish in the form of portions of larger fishes.
Nowadays the fishes tend to be Tuna(Ikan Kayu) especially popularamong Filipino recent migrants. Locals tend to prefer IkanPutih(Travely) and Ikan Merah varieties. Garoupas are not usuallypreferred because it is expensive and not as tasty in the recipe usedto accompany this Nasi Kuning, stir fried Fish Sambal.
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